Cheap Dog Holidays

If you can go on a holiday with your friends and family, why not go on a holiday with your dog? Some dogs are left behind to be looked after at home or boarding kennels. These boarding kennels can be quite expensive especially if you are going away for a long period of time.

Today, more and more people are taking their pets when they go on a vacation. Pets are now travelling abroad too because it is much easier for pet owners to obtain pet passports. However, dog holidays need not be expensive. There are plenty of holiday ideas which don't involve a huge budget.

You might be surprised to find plenty of cheap dog holiday ideas that you'll find yourselves spending less on your dog than you would by using boarding kennels!

Here's some great ideas to help you find a cheap dog holiday.

Camping is a great activity for dogs. Camping is relatively cheap - there are no expensive hotels to pay for! There are masses of campsites around the UK that allow dogs, and quite often they won't charge extra for them either.

This is a great option for your family and your dog to have cheap holiday in the wide outdoors! Since campsites are generally rural, there's normally unlimited dog walks within minutes of any campsite.

If you are not a 'happy camper', you may need to opt for a hotel holiday with your dog instead. Whether it's in the UK or abroad, this will take some research. There's plenty of books and magazines dedicated to dog owners that list hotels and holiday destinations that are dog friendly.

Your dog holiday in a hotel doesn't have to that expensive either. There's some great deals around at the moment - by shopping around and booking in advance you can definitely find a cheap dog holiday.

If you are more than happy without the utmost of luxury, you can have a look at what Travelodges are available. Their room rates are very reasonable and have many fantastic deals at any given time.

Here at Loving Your Pet, we've stayed for a whole week in a Travelodge with our beagle Rosie, for well under £150! That's including the surplus cost for Rosie which you will see before you book. We were in rural Hampshire, only a stone's throw away from some fantastic areas for us and the dog. Now that's a cheap dog holiday!

There are also self-catering holiday cottages that can be dog-friendly. Cottage owners are often very happy to welcome guests and their pets so you do not have to leave your dog at home. You should note however that some locations such as Dorset and Devon have beach restrictions during the summer months, so it's a good idea to research the finer details.

Beaches very often have restrictions so you have to check before you take your dog. Check with the local tourist information office if you are unsure. There are many beaches which are open to dogs all-year round.

If you are taking your dogs on holiday, it is important that you should be mindful of the basic house rules. For example, do not leave your dog alone especially since it is in a new place. If there are faeces of your dog, it is but natural to pick up after it and dispose it properly. Hotels and cottages which do accepts dogs often have higher security deposits which can lead to money being withheld if your dog has caused any kind of damage.

Most importantly, enjoy your family holiday, with your dog. Dog's love people, not places, so they will love to travel with you and take part in your family holiday, making it even more memorable!

Do you research, shop around and look for some great deals. It's not that hard to find a cheap dog holiday!

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