Keeping Your Dog Warm in Winter

Keeping your dog warm in winter is incredibly important. Like all animals and humans, being cold is not only uncomfortable but also dangerous to health. This article ensures you know how to keep your dog warm during winter and Christmas!

Keeping Your Dog Warm Outdoors

Different dogs have different bodies and different natural coats. Whilst longer coated dogs may naturally be warmer than ones with shorter coats, a cold winter can affect them all. The best way to keep your dog warm during winter is with a winter dog coat. These come in all shapes, sizes, thicknesses and materials.

A popular choice is a parka coat for many dog owners. They offer a waterproof, insulated and layered garment, perfect for cold and wet wintery conditions.

Do not leave your dog outdoors in winter temperatures for any extended periods. Even though your dog has fur, it does not mean that your dog can stand the cold. If you an outdoor dog, ensure you provide a heated bed or shelter.

Keep Your Dog Warm

Dogs do best inside a warm house - just like we do! Your dog won't enjoy the cold outdoors during the winter, so don't subject them to it for extended periods. Remember that lean dogs with low body fat like Greyhounds can often feel the cold weather more than other dogs.


Believe it or not, regular grooming will help keep your dog warm. Keeping your dogs coat free from loose hair, and ensuring no fur is matted can make a huge difference. An un-groomed dog coat can pick up more snow, ice and water and therefore take longer to dry.

Spend More Dog Time Indoors

If your dog is used to playing in the garden, then it might be an idea to move play time indoors during cold winter weather. Obviously your dog will need to do it's 'business' outdoors, but if it's just too cold, encourage them to spend more time in the house.

Use Common Sense!

Subjecting your dog to the cold winter weather unnecessarily is irresponsible and often dangerous. By following our tips your dog can enjoy the winter season and so can you.

If you see your dog shaking, or their body language seems out of place, get back into the warmth.

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