Household flea spray

Showing 1-9 of 9 products

Pack of 3 Indorex Flea Spray for the Home 500ML | Indorex Household Flea Spray | Effective Flea Spray for Furniture, Carpets, Pet Beds & More.
Pack of 3 Indorex Flea Spray for the Home 500ML | Indorex Household Flea Spray | Effective Flea Spray for Furniture, Carpets, Pet Beds & More.
Virbac Pack of 2 Indorex Defence Spray
Virbac Pack of 2 Indorex Defence Spray
Indorex Defence Spray
Indorex Defence Spray
REPELEM Flea Spray for The Home - Professional Strength, Household Flea Spray, Flea Killer for Home, Kills Fleas, Larvae & Eggs, Eradicates & Prevents Reinfestation, 500ml Flea Killer Spray
REPELEM Flea Spray for The Home - Professional Strength, Household Flea Spray, Flea Killer for Home, Kills Fleas, Larvae & Eggs, Eradicates & Prevents Reinfestation, 500ml Flea Killer Spray
Beaphar | FLEAtec Household Spray | Kills Fleas, Flea Eggs, & Flea Larvae | Fast-Acting | Effective for up to 6 Months | Extra Large 600ml Canister
Beaphar | FLEAtec Household Spray | Kills Fleas, Flea Eggs, & Flea Larvae | Fast-Acting | Effective for up to 6 Months | Extra Large 600ml Canister
Johnsons Vet Household Flea Spray, 400 ml, clear
Johnsons Vet Household Flea Spray, 400 ml, clear
R.I.P Fleas Household Flea Spray
R.I.P Fleas Household Flea Spray
Flea Killer Spray 4 x 200ml Aerosol Animal Flea Dog Cat Tick Protection House
Flea Killer Spray 4 x 200ml Aerosol Animal Flea Dog Cat Tick Protection House
FRONTLINE HomeGard Flea & Tick Household Spray - 500 ml, White
FRONTLINE HomeGard Flea & Tick Household Spray - 500 ml, White

Flea sprays are considered a rapid and effective way of eradicating household flea infestations and are readily available for purchase from a variety of retailers.

They contain one of either three ingredients; methoprene, fenoxycarb or pyripoxyfen, all of which destroy flea eggs and stop the generation cycle. Some flea sprays also tackle dust mites. The majority of modern, domestic flea sprays contain active pesticides and are suspended in aerosols.

Remember, domestic flea sprays should not be used on pets. Advice on pet treatment is featured later in this article. If you think your pet is showing signs of flea infestation then your first port of call should be your vet.

Flea sprays can be sprayed on hard porous surfaces or non-porous surfaces. They can be sprayed liberally on carpets, rugs, furniture, edges, skirting and your pet's bedding. Target dark corners, nooks and crannies - the inside of a cushion case for example, an ideal breeding ground for fleas. Most household flea sprays recommend repeating the procedure after two weeks; targeting fleas that escaped the effects first time round as they were in cocoon or pupal stage.

Your pets should be bathed, groomed and even trimmed as a first line of defence against fleas. Fleas cannot grip to wet fur and are helpless against a flea comb. Seek advice from your vet about treatment, you'll most likely be recommended an oral or topical medication, with a dose suitable for the size of your pet. It's also important to wash your pet's bedding; the dry cycle of your washing machine being most effective at killing eggs and larvae.

Once you've sprayed the household, making sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions, you can allow your treated dog back inside, letting it move freely from room to room. Any remaining fleas will be encouraged to jump back onto its fur allowing your dog's treatment plan to take full effect. During this time it's important to keep your dog away from the kind of outdoor environments common to fleas, such as long grasses, leaves and sand. This avoidance should continue for up to thirty days, with pavement walking a sensible alternative.

How to make fleas uncomfortable as possible...

It's a well-known fact that fleas don't survive in the cold, so if you can bear it, turning the heating down or off will help control them. If conditions are cold, it's likely household fleas will be more attracted to your pet, which if treated, will help to kill them off.

Some pet owners supplement their pet's diet with brewer's yeast in an attempt to prevent fleas. The same can be said of garlic, however this should only be fed to dogs. Another natural remedy is lemon juice which can be rubbed into your pet's skin.

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